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Отбор в сборную России 2022


Сборная России 2022:

Чемпионат мира 2021: В соответствии с резолюцией МОК WBF Management Committee единогласно принял решение не допускать сборные России к участию в командном чемпионате мира по бриджу 2021 года, который пройдет в итальянском Сальсомаджоре-Терме, Italy с 27 марта по 9 апреля 2022 г.

Отбор в сборную России на чемпионат мира 2022 года. Категория MIXED. 26-27 февраля

team Adj. Seg1 Sum1 Seg2 Sum2 Seg3 Sum3 Seg4 Sum4 Seg5 Sum5 Seg6 Total
Громов 40 40 56 96 30 126 40 166 30 196 0 196
Мнепо -4  7 7 25 32 30 58 29 87 41 128 0 128

Громов: Громов Андрей, Гулевич Анна, Рахмани Диана, Холомеев Вадим
Мнепо: Громова Виктория, Дихнова Татьяна, Орлов Сергей, Рудаков Евгений, Рудакова Елена, Хохлов Юрий

06 марта 2022
Совет ФСБР сообщает, что в соответствии с решениями WBF и EBL от 03 марта 2022 года, Россия не примет участие в предстоящих чемпионатах Европы и Мира.
В связи с этим, все объявленные отборочные мероприятия отменяются.

The WBF Management Committee, with all its members present, met via zoom on Wednesday 2 March to discuss how the war promoted by Russia with the support of Belarus is impacting the World 2021 Bridge Team Championship to be held in Salsomaggiore Terme, Italy, from 27th March to 9th April 2022 and the wider Bridge Movement.
The WBF Management Committee unanimously expressed its concerns and sympathy for Ukrainian bridge players and citizens alike. It was also united in its strong condemnation of the governments of Russia and Belarus for the treacherous attack on Ukraine and the unacceptable invasion of its national territory.
In accordance with the resolution of the IOC, the Management Committee unanimously decided to not allow the Russian National Teams to participate in the World 2021 World Bridge Teams Championship to be held in Salsomaggiore Terme, Italy. from 27th March to 9th April 2022.
The Committee was also united in stating that this resolution has to be seen as a consequence of the despicable invasion of Ukraine by Russia, expressing its great regret towards the Russian bridge players community and the athletes who cannot attend the event.

The EBL EC also decided that, until further notice, no Russian or Belarussian participants will be invited to EBL events including, but not limited to, the ENTC on Madeira. We hope that those individual Russian bridge players affected, who may well be as outraged as the rest of us over what is happening, understand that this measure is not directed at them.
We hope and pray that sanity will ultimately prevail and this nightmare for the Ukrainian people, and really the whole civilized world, will soon end.
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